

Treatment for Recurrent Miscarraiges

testing whether it will work or not

Friday, 13 April 2012

Treatment for Recurrent Miscarraiges

CURRICULAM : C - Circlage operation (shirodkar's and McDonald's operation) U - Ultrasound R - Rest R - Reassurance and tender loving care I - Inherited thrombophilias treatment (Heparin) C - chromosomal anamolies detection (amniocentesis) U - Unexplained causes L - Luteal phase defect treatment (progesterone and hCG therapy) A - Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome treatment (aspirin and heparin) M - medical complications like hemoglobinopathies, cyanotic heart diseases, SLE etc treamte...

Risk factors for Ectopic pregnancy

CAP2I2T3A C - Contraceptive failure A - Abortion (previous) P - PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)and Salphingitis P -Previous ectopic pregnancy I - IUD use I - Infertility T - Tubal ligation T - Tubal reconstructive surgery T -  Tubal endometriosis A - ART use...

CANDIDA ALBICANS - virtually all of us play host to it!!!

Facts :         - Its a yeast infection and predominantly focuses on GI tract invasion         - People having H-pylori infection also has candida overgrowth (60%-70%)         - By age of 6 months, about 90% of the babies are positive for candida test         - And by adulthood virtually we all have become the...

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

DRACUNCULUS MEDINENSIS - silent killer which remains in body silent upto 1 year !!!!!!

Facts :           - Also known as guinea worm disease (GWD)           - These are among the longest nematodes infecting humans.           - Dracunculus medinensis is one of four filarial nematodes that cause subcutaneous filariasis in humans. The other three filarial nematodes are Loa loa (the African eye worm), Mansonella streptocerca,...