C - Circlage operation (shirodkar's and McDonald's operation)
U - Ultrasound
R - Rest
R - Reassurance and tender loving care
I - Inherited thrombophilias treatment (Heparin)
C - chromosomal anamolies detection (amniocentesis)
U - Unexplained causes
L - Luteal phase defect treatment (progesterone and hCG therapy)
A - Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome treatment (aspirin and heparin)
M - medical complications like hemoglobinopathies, cyanotic heart diseases, SLE etc treamte...
Treatment for Recurrent Miscarraiges
testing whether it will work or not
CANDIDA ALBICANS - virtually all of us play host to it!!!
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Friday, 13 April 2012
Risk factors for Ectopic pregnancy
C - Contraceptive failure
A - Abortion (previous)
P - PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)and Salphingitis
P -Previous ectopic pregnancy
I - IUD use
I - Infertility
T - Tubal ligation
T - Tubal reconstructive surgery
T - Tubal endometriosis
A - ART use...
CANDIDA ALBICANS - virtually all of us play host to it!!!

Facts :
- Its a yeast infection and predominantly focuses on GI tract invasion
- People having H-pylori infection also has candida overgrowth (60%-70%)
- By age of 6 months, about 90% of the babies are positive for candida test
- And by adulthood virtually we all have become the...
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
DRACUNCULUS MEDINENSIS - silent killer which remains in body silent upto 1 year !!!!!!

Facts :
- Also known as guinea worm disease (GWD)
- These are among the longest nematodes infecting humans.
- Dracunculus medinensis is one of four filarial nematodes that cause subcutaneous filariasis in humans. The other three filarial nematodes are Loa loa (the African eye worm), Mansonella streptocerca,...
OSTEOSARCOMA - most common type of bone cancer in childrens and adult !!!

Osteosarcoma is the most common bone cancer in children and adolescents, and the third most common cancer in adolescence.
Osteosarcoma is most common between the ages of 10 and 25 when the bones are rapidly growing
Risk factors :