Risk factors :
- helicobactor pylori infection
- stomach lymphoma
- age after 50 years
- more common in males
- more common in Japan, China, Southern and Eastern Europe, and South and Central America
- large amounts of smoked foods, salted fish and meat, and pickled vegetables. Nitrates and nitrites are substances commonly found in cured meats
- tobacco use, obesity, previous stomach surgery
- type A blood, family history of stomach cancer
- EBV infection
- immune deficiency
Clinical symptoms :
- weight loss
- persistent abdominal pain
- dysphagia
- occasional nausea and intestinal obstruction
Investigations :
- Check FBC (possible anemia)
- Rapid-access flexible endoscopy
- Chromoendoscopy (use of dyes to highlight various aspects of the gastric mucosa), narrow band imaging and auto-fluorescence
- biopsy
Management :
- Surgery is the treatment of choice for gastric cancer
- Distal (antral) tumours should be treated by subtotal gastrectomy and proximal tumors by total gastrectomy
- Limited gastric resections should presently only be used for palliation or in the very elderly.
According to the Illinois State Cancer Registry, in 2008, about 990 new cases of stomach cancer will be diagnosed in Illinois. Of these, about 620 will be in men and about 370 will be in women. About 610 Illinoisans are expected to die of stomach cancer in 2008.